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Can I return a lawn mower?

We do not sell lawn mowers but rather provide helpful information on how to choose a lawn mower so you can make a better informed decision but it is important you know the answer to this question BEFORE you buy a lawn mower.  As you will have read elsewhere on this site we provide links to so you should understand their returns policy as it is there you would be buying your lawn mower.

We recommend you read this page (opens new window).  As of writing, there is no specific 'Home and Garden' returns page on their site but you should be aware that for safety reasons items that use flammable fuels (which includes gas-powered lawn mowers) cannot be returned.  They display a note to this effect on all product pages where this returns policy applies.  In those circumstances it is best to contact the equipment manufacturer.  They can help you to this.

For other types of lawn mowers normal returns policies should apply.  Either you will be dealing directly with for the return or with an Marketplace vendor.

Riding Lawn Mowers

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